We Are One In Him

11-26-2023Pastoral Reflections©LPi — Father John Muir

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

In May 2023, for the first time in almost three quarters of a century, a monarch was crowned in England. A few days later a friend of mine scoffed, “What a waste of time and energy! What is the point of a king?”


Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good.

11-19-2023Pastoral Reflections

The Knights of Columbus (Sacred Heart Council - St. Mary Church in Franklin, MA) is holding our annual Christmas Fundraiser for those “in need” in Franklin and surrounding communities during the holiday season. ALL proceeds from the event will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The Knights will have a table set up outside the church after each Mass on the weekend of December 9 & 10 and will be selling Stop & Shop gift cards (5% of sale benefits St. Vincent DePaul Society).


Grand Annual Collection Continues!

11-12-2023Pastoral ReflectionsRev. Robert A. Poitras

This weekend is our 2nd Grand Annual Collection. Envelope users should have received a special Grand Annual envelope in the monthly envelope mailing. If you are not a regular envelope user, there are additional Grand Annual envelopes available at the entrance to the church. Thank you to the many families that have already returned their Grand Annual Gift!

Online Giving: stmaryfranklin/giving/funds

Grand Annual Collection is This Weekend

11-05-2023Pastoral ReflectionsRev. Robert A. Poitras

This weekend is our 2nd Grand Annual Collection. Envelope users should have received a special Grand Annual envelope in the monthly envelope mailing. If you are not a regular envelope user, there are additional Grand Annual envelopes available at the entrance to the church. Thank you to the many families that have already returned their Grand Annual Gift!

Online Giving: stmaryfranklin/giving/funds

Next Week is the Second Grand Annual Collection

10-29-2023Pastoral Reflections

Next weekend is our 2nd Grand Annual Collection. Envelope users should have received a special Grand Annual envelope in the monthly envelope mailing. If you are not a regular envelope user, there are additional Grand Annual envelopes available at the entrance to the church.

This annual appeal supports not only our operating expenses but also our building maintenance and repair. This year, we hope to replace the windows at the rectory which are over thirty years old. The expected cost is approximately $75,000. The Sacred Heart Hall floor needs to be professionally cleaned. If funding permits, we would like to replace the carpet in the sanctuary of the main church. Thank you for your support.

October is Respect Life Month

10-22-2023Pastoral Reflections

A Prayer for Life

Father and maker of all, you adorn all creation with splendor and beauty, and fashion human lives in your image and likeness. Awaken in every heart reverence for the work of your hands, and renew among your people a readiness to nurture and sustain your precious gift of life. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.


Our Migrant Neighbors are still in Need of Your Help

10-15-2023Pastoral Reflections

The Parish Family at St. Mary’s in collaboration with The St. Vincent DePaul Society is collecting donations for the immediate needs of our migrant brothers and sisters housed in Franklin. There are bins at the Elevator Lobby, Upstairs in the Main Church Lobby and at the side, back wooden door of the Church for donated goods. Thank you for your generous support!


New Items Needed for the Migrant Families

10-08-2023Pastoral Reflections

The Parish Family at St. Mary’s in collaboration with The St. Vincent DePaul Society is collecting donations for the immediate needs of our migrant brothers and sisters housed in Franklin. There are bins at the Elevator Lobby, Upstairs in the Main Church Lobby and at the side, back wooden door of the Church for donated goods. Thank you for your generous support!


Our Parish is showing Mercy by helping those in need

10-01-2023Pastoral Reflections

The Parish Family at St. Mary’s in collaboration with The St. Vincent DePaul Society is collecting donations for the immediate needs of our migrant brothers and sisters housed in Franklin. There are bins at the Elevator Lobby, Upstairs in the Main Church Lobby and at the side, back wooden door of the Church for donated goods. Thank you for your generous support!


Our Migrant Neighbors Need Your Help

09-24-2023Pastoral Reflections

The Parish Family at St. Mary’s in collaboration with The St. Vincent DePaul Society is collecting donations for the immediate needs of our migrant brothers and sisters housed in Franklin. There are bins at the Elevator Lobby, Upstairs in the Main Church Lobby and at the side, back wooden door of the Church for donated goods. Thank you for your generous support!


Encourage Deeper Understanding Of Scripture

09-17-2023Pastoral Reflections©LPi — Father John Muir

When I was in second grade, my prized possession was a metal Star Wars-themed lunch box. After school one day, another student ripped it from my hands. I helplessly watched in horror as my classmate threw it to the ground and violently stomped it into an unrecognizable heap of junk. I came home covered in tears of shame and rage. After a few months, I never thought about it again … until I was almost thirty years old and on a retreat to prepare for ordination to the priesthood.


Love and Truth

09-10-2023Pastoral ReflectionsColleen Jurkiewicz Dorman

I think even the most devout, the most pious Catholic reading this meditation could summon to mind, if asked, one or even two examples of Catholic teaching for which they have desperately looked for a loophole.

Don’t worry, I won’t make you share with the group. But bring it to your mind now: the doctrine you once resented, or perhaps still do. The commandment you don’t fully understand, the one you bristle against. The rule you find the hardest to follow. The belief you hate explaining to your friends. If it disappeared from scripture or dropped out of the catechism, would your life really be easier? Would you be happier?


Choosing the Cross

09-03-2023Pastoral ReflectionsColleen Jurkiewicz Dorman

I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but I’ve never been called “Satan,” at least not to my face.

It seems to me the worst name you could call a person, and today we hear it straight from the lips of Jesus. It’s just one of the many small reminders strewn throughout Scripture that Jesus preaches meekness, but he is not mild — not when mildness serves no purpose, anyway.

And here, when Peter is trying to deter Jesus from making the right choice, mildness serves no purpose at all.