Cemetery Fee Schedule

St. Mary Parish sells both burial plots and columbarium niches.  When you purchase a plot or niche from St. Mary’s Cemetery it gives you the right to be buried in that plot or niche, or designate that someone else can be buried in that plot or niche, according to the Rules and Regulations.  The plots and niches may be purchased in advance or when a loved one has passed to the Lord.  Upon complete payment, a Certificate will be mailed to the owner and they have the exclusive rights to that plot or niche.  As a rule, no burials will take place until the plot or niche is paid in full.

A burial plot at St. Mary’s Cemetery allows for one or two people to be interred.  People can choose from the following options:

  1. One casket
  2. One cremain
  3. One casket and one cremain
  4. Two cremains.
Item Cost
One plot $1,650.00
To open the plot for a casket Monday - Friday $1,450.00
To open the plot for a casket on Saturday $1,550.00
To open the plot for cremains Monday - Friday $500.00
To open the plot for cremains Saturday $600.00

A niche in the Garden of Remembrance at St. Mary’s Cemetery allows for one or two people to be interred. 

Item Cost
One niche $1,650.00
To open the niche Monday – Friday $500.00
To open the the niche Saturday $600.00

Two cremains may be interred at one time.

Burials will be conducted Monday-Saturday between the hours of 9:00am-3:00pm. There are no burials on Sundays, holidays or holy days.

At least 3 days advance notice is required for all orders for openings and all openings must be confirmed with the Cemetery Superintendent, Joseph Spencer.  Please call the rectory Monday-Friday between 9:00am-4:00pm at 508-528-0020 and we will provide you with his contact information.

To schedule a Committal Service, please call the rectory Monday-Thursday between 9:00am-3:00pm at 508-528-0020 for availability of Priests or Deacon to conduct the service. Committal Services must be scheduled at least 3 days in advance.