20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

08-18-2024Pastoral ReflectionsReverend Bob Poitras

Dear Friends in Christ,

Earlier this year the Parish Pastoral Council and I took up a conversation about our weekend Mass schedule. My concern is the declining numbers for the 12:00pm Mass that our parish has traditionally held between September and May. During my first year as Pastor, I witnessed that our 12:00pm Mass was not only our lowest attended Mass, but it is also a Mass with the smallest collection as well as the hardest Mass to find Liturgical Ministers for service.


We Welcome Most Reverend Richard G. Henning, S.T.D.

08-11-2024Pastoral ReflectionsCardinal Seán P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap.

Dear Friends,

The Holy Father announced that he has named the Most Reverend Richard G. Henning, S.T.D. as the tenth bishop and seventh archbishop of the Archdiocese of Boston. Archbishop-elect Henning is currently the Bishop of the Diocese of Providence.


(Practicing) Catholic - Recognize God In Your Ordinary Moments

08-04-2024Pastoral ReflectionsColleen Jurkiewicz Dorman

It’s so easy to do the right thing because we want to tick all the right boxes. We want to live by the law. We want to accomplish the work of God. Or, at least, we say that we do.

But Jesus tells us that in order to accomplish the work of God, we have to believe in the one he sent. And to believe in Christ is to be filled with the spirit of truth — to do what is right because it is right, not because we want to be filled with good feelings.