CYO Basketball

St Mary's Parish in Franklin, MA is proud to offer anyone living within the parish boundaries the opportunity to play CYO Basketball. CYO Basketball is sponsored by St Mary's Parish and the Christian Youth Organization of the Archdioceses of Boston.

The St. Mary's CYO basketball program consists of boys and girls teams in grades 5-12. Games are played against surrounding parishes.

Tryouts are held in October/November, with games taking place in December and finishing in early March. Practices are generally once a week with games taking place on Saturday or Sunday.

Visit for more information.

Note to High School Players

High School players must attend CYO tryout(s) in order to be considered for a CYO team. If you are trying out for your HS team and want to be considered for a CYO team (should you not make your HS team) then you MUST attend tryout(s). Only individuals who have attended tryout(s) will be considered for CYO teams. No exceptions. There will be a $25/player fee for all HS players who are participating in our sessions. Payment may be made online, check or cash to coaches.

Should anyone have questions, please contact Charlie Clark at