St. Mary Religious Education Program

What to Expect this Year in Religious Education

After such a successful year, we have decided to follow a “hybrid” model again for the year 2024/2025.  This model is based on the Religious Education model called “Domestic Church”.  We help and support you as parents as you directly help your child(ren) grow in our faith.  Hopefully, by your teaching, daily actions and example, and by your participation at Sunday Mass, your child(ren) learns “The Ways of Our Faith” which you promised as parents at your children's Baptism so many years ago.

The plan is actually straight forward and easy to follow. Students will complete the book assignments at home and submit them periodically as they did this past year. In addition, we will rotate each grade level into the building for enrichment and review classes and the ability for the kids to all be together with us. Please see below for specific information regarding classes and scheduling.

Religious Education Program 2024/2025

Grade 1:  Students will complete a binder supplied by the Religious Education Office at home with their parents. This will be done between September—December at your child’s own pace.  At Christmas time we will bring the students in for a “Christmas Class” and to check their binders.  At that time, we will give them the second half of the binder for them to continue to complete at home by April Vacation.  After April Vacation, the students will have three weeks of in-person classes (once a week).  You will be given a schedule of available times and dates and  you pick whichever day works best for your child’s schedule.


Grade 2:  Students will come to class every week and complete their book work together, along with short assignments to be done at home.  Classes will be offered on Mondays and Tuesdays only.  You will choose which day works best for your child.  There is no “at home” option for Grade 2 students.

Grades 3-7:  Students will complete their book work at home as they did this year and submit the work.  Approximately every three weeks there will be an “in person” class for enrichment and review.  Classes will be offered on Wednesdays and Thursdays. You will choose which day works best for your child.

Grade 8:  Now that students in eighth grade are preparing for Confirmation it is mandatory that they attend the in-person classes.  They will not be doing any work at home. Students will come every three weeks.  Classes will be offered on Monday (limited space) and Tuesday (limited space) and Wednesday and Thursday.

Grade 9 (Confirmation 1):  Students will complete the twelve chapters of the Decision Point book.  These chapters will be submitted according to a schedule that will be sent out in the Fall. There will be a large group gathering at the beginning of Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2.  These lessons will be taught by a guest speaker.

Grade 10 (Confirmation 2):  Students will complete the remaining chapters of the Decision Point book that they started in Grade 9.  There will be a large group gathering at the beginning of Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2.  These lessons will be taught by a guest speaker.

In addition the students will be responsible for Community Service each year.  They will be required to do four things for someone other than themselves and their family.  Be creative and think outside of the box.  A summary of these activities will be turned in with their completed work.  More information will follow.

What Families Need to Know before Registering

If you have a child entering Grade 1 (First Communion 1) in the fall, you will be able to register him/her online with the link below.  You will be registering them as a “New Student”.  The exact date and church of Baptism is required.

Payment is necessary at the time of registration.  The system will not allow you to register and go back later to pay the fee.  If you need to pay with cash or a check, please contact us so we can set up a time for you to come into the office and register.

An additional Confirmation Fee ($75.00) is required for students (both public school and private school).  This will be collected this year for students entering Grade 8 and Grade 9.

As always, if anyone has a financial hardship that makes it difficult to register now, please call the Religious Education Office at 508-528-1450.

Goals of the Religious Education Program

To promote and encourage:

  • Proclamation of the Good News as revealed through Jesus Christ
  • Worship of God through private and liturgical prayer
  • Service to the Christian and entire world community
  • Parents in their role as primary catechists of their children

2024-2025 Registration is Now Open