St. Mary's Safety Program (2024/2025)

The child safety lessons previously taught through the Religious Education Program were very effective and well received.  We are excited to offer this Safety Program again this year.

This program focuses on helping children realize what a wonderful gift from God they are to their parents and the world.  As such, they need to do everything they can to take care of themselves so they can grow to be happy and healthy individuals.  Age-appropriate handouts provide children with concepts and ideas of how to best recognize a situation that may make them feel uncomfortable and how best to deal with it.

All sessions lay the initial foundation to begin to empower your child with the necessary skills to recognize potential predatory behaviors without overwhelming them or instilling unnecessary fears.

The Archdiocese of Boston has transitioned to a new program called, Empowering God’s Children Safe Environment Program.  This program continues with what we have been doing in the past.

Empowering God’s Children Safe Environment Program Information

“A program for children presented by Lesson Leaders, each lesson includes a grade-appropriate video component along with learning activities.  The material is designed to better equip your child to know their safety rights, recognize their boundaries, and to empower them to protect themselves when safe adults are not immediately available—and ultimately be safer from people who might want to harm them.”

Safety Classes will continue to be taught during the In-Person classes. As always if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Religious Education Office.

(Schedule still to be determined)