St. Vincent de Paul - Current Food Pantry Requests

We are so thankful for your financial and food donations that come in each week.

These donations allow us to help our brothers and sisters who are struggling. We depend on each and every food item and on your prayers.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society cannot thank you enough for your donations to our food drives. It is a blessing for us to be able to serve our neighbors and for them to experience the support of our parish. For the SVdP pantry’s current needs, we would like to request:

  • Juices
  • Baked Beans
  • Jelly
  • Deodorant - Men's & Women's
  • Women's Razors

SVdP members will put together grocery bags including paper products and laundry detergent for those who call St. Mary’s in need of help. Thank you in advance from all who will benefit from your generosity. Donations may be placed in the boxes at the doors of the church anytime during the month.

St. Vincent de Paul: 508-918-2291