Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Mary Parish,
This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday in ordinary Time in our Church year and so we can tell by that number 4 we are stepping along in our year and in our life. It is wonderful to see strong daylight after the 4 PM Mass each Saturday. Bit by bit we are progressing forward. Winter is probably more than half over at this point. Most likely we have pushed by halfway mark for ice and snow. We do have to wait for our famous groundhog to appear and gives us the prediction for the full length of winter! Just remember each day we step one day more forward to the end of winter and the final day Pandemic Emergency. All journeys begin with the first step and happen step by step. Thus we need to step into each day with faith and strength.
Religious Education for Young People Enrichment Program has now returned to on-site at the 201 Main Street Building. I am impressed by the faithfulness of parents as they help form their child in faith at home each week with our Religious Text Book Series. Parents are the primary educator of their child in the ways of faith and this year and the past year are sterling examples of parents who act as primary educators and models of faith for their child(ren).
This weekend in the main lobby of the church our outstanding Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council will have a table and Knights available to discuss wonderful organized charitable work and membership with any man who is interested. Our Council is outstanding in its charitable work and service to others. Please consider joining in this wonderful fraternal group. Check in at the table and chat with a member.
Each week I receive emails and notes and comments about how much they value and appreciate the Live-Streaming of our Saturday/Sunday Masses. It is due to the generosity of our parishioners that we were able to obtain the equipment and software and install everything in our church building. High-tech is expensive and the labor charges to install all the widgets and the technician costs to get the software to operate on our site were quite costly. It is so nice to know that those who miss being at Mass here feel connected with us via this Live-Streaming. Those who faithfully support our Parish financially are responsible for this wonderful service. The requirement that everyone have a face covering (aka a mask) in church is in place at least through the day after Ash Wednesday. We should be informed before that date if it needs to be extended. I am appreciative of how cooperative and polite folks are when they enter church and have forgotten their mask and are reminded by our Greeters. We also have extra new masks available of you forget. I notice how most people keep one in their pocket or pocketbook, and sometimes even two!
Your constant support of our Saint Vincent de Paul is very admirable. Many who come to church bring the requested items for the St. V’s supply room and many of you contribute financially by mail or via the baskets at the church doors in support of their sacred work. Your faithful support via on-line giving (best accessed at: and the mail in and drop by envelopes and the baskets at the doors of the church have helped keep us going in these difficult times. Like you our electric, gas and general supplies bills have climbed and climbed. Thank you to those who thoughtfully and generously support all of us.
Our Parish Monday Night Rosary continues on ZOOM for everyone who would like to participate. Just connect via our website. Our Catholic Women’s Club is celebrating its 100th Year. Its next meeting is February 17th. The bulletin will soon have more details for you or anyone who is interested in joining. A comforting prayer for all of is the Hail Mary. We are also comforted and strengthened that our Parish is dedicated to Mary, Mother of God. Our special Patron, Saint Rocco intercedes for those who are ill, especially our young people. Our faith is our foundation and thus we are able to stand tall in life.
God bless,
Father Brian