Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Mary Parish,
With the major changes in the State Directives for the Pandemic, I am sending this special mid-week letter to you. We recognize that our devoted parishioners will be returning slowly over time as they feel it is best for them. We respect these faith filled and sincere decisions on Mass participation and welcome everyone when they are able to return. There is no correct time to return. We will be here when you return. We all miss participating at Sunday Mass and know that people will return when they are able to when they feel safe.
During this time (starting this weekend of May 29-30, 2021 Memorial Day Weekend) we will be transitioning our Parish Religious Services and Masses using the principle of caution for health safety for everyone. This is Phase One of the Transitional Phases to occur over the next nine months. We wish to remind people that part of our Pandemic values has been to remember to respect the health safety of others, besides ones’ self.
Your cooperation is invited to allow our beginning transition to help make our Sunday Masses spiritual and uplifting religious experiences for everyone. We anticipate additional phase changes after Labor Day Weekend.
Just a reminder: All three Sunday Masses continue to be Live-Streamed which is best accessed at and then the Live-stream Button.
God bless,
Father Brian
For Saturday-Sunday Mass: No registration is required beforehand or at the doors of the church. Please take/accept a Music Sheet (for the Saturday 4:00pm and also the Sunday 10:30am: no music at the 7:30am) for singing during Mass. Also please take the music paper with you when you leave. They are intended for one time use only. Leaving the paper in the bench is a health hazard for others.
Entrance into Church: Please use the main middle doors to enter the church or the side Lobby which has the elevator. If you use the elevator, please come into the main Lobby to enter the main church. If you must, you may use the side wooden door at the driveway side of the church to enter.
Where to sit in church: For those who are vaccinated: seating is available on the main aisle on either side and the side aisle on the Rectory side. You may sit in any bench. No social distancing is required. All benches are available. Children, masked or unmasked, are welcome to sit with parents in any area. You may also sit in the socially distanced section on the Main Street side of the Church.
If you are unvaccinated: it is expected that you wear a mask and sit in the socially distant side which is the Main Street side aisle of the church.
Donations and Collections: There will be no collection(s) during Mass. You are asked to deposit your envelope or donation in the baskets which are in the main Lobby, at the side Elevator Lobby or the front Prayer Wall Door area. We are most grateful to those who use our on-line giving or mail in or drop in envelopes to the Rectory.
Offertory Gifts (Preparation Rite): There will be no presentation of the gifts at the time of the Preparation Rite (Offertory).
Sign of Peace: Only a nod or bow as a Sign of Peace no handshake.
For Communion: Communion will only be received in the hand. Communion o the tongue is mot possible because of germs and health concerns for Eucharistic Ministers and those who will be receiving after you. at this time because of germ transmission and the safety of everyone else. Please extend one hand, perhaps supported by the other, to receive the host. Please allow the Eucharistic Minister to place the host in your hand. Please do not reach out and take it.
Holy Communion will only be distributed by means of the Sacred Host, the Body of Christ.
Communion will only be distributed from the altar front. All three aisles will have two way traffic-flows.
We are requesting our Eucharistic Ministers be vaccinated so that everyone is safe during the Distribution of Holy Communion. Eucharistic Ministers will be wearing masks at the Distribution time. They will also wash their hands with soap and water before Communion in the sacristy and may do so afterwards.
How Mass ends: Mass will conclude with the closing Hymn. You are welcome to leave during that time by means of all three doors in the main Lobby or the Elevator Lobby.
Prayer Wall: You are welcome to come to prayer wall to write and leave a petition. Paper and pens are now available.
Chapel Visits: No masks or social distancing is required. Please enter via the side glass doors towards the two front sides of the church building.
Daily Mass: No masks or social distancing is required. No registration is required. Seating may be in any bench in the church. Holy Communion may only be received in the hand because of germ transmission and the safety of others. You are welcome to stay until the end of Mass.
Funerals and Weddings: All participants are welcome to sit in in the main aisle areas. Neither Masks nor social distancing are required. Communion may only be received on the hand because of germ transmission and the safety of everyone. Two-way flow is allowed for all church aisles.
Funerals are Live-streamed at the request of families. Please make arrangements through the services of the Funeral Director. Weddings may also be Livestreamed. At least three weeks in advance of the wedding, arrangements must be directly made and confirmed through the Facilities Manager Trish Murphy ( or 508- 528-0020 ext.: 10
Baptisms:Neither masks nor social distancing are required.