Regular Mass Schedule
Monday-Friday 7:00am
Saturday 4:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 7:30am, 10:30am
*All Weekend Masses are live-streamed.
Mass is now live-streamed.
Due to fire damage, Livestream is unavailable for the foreseeable future.
Saturday 8:00am
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm

Sacramental Certificates
Request a copy of your Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, or Marriage Certificate

Religious Education
In our program, the goal of each lesson for each grade is “to teach as Jesus taught.” Jesus is at the heart of all catechesis.

Request a Mass Intention
Have a Mass celebrated for a special occasion, on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one.
Welcome to St. Mary's
If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself to the priests after Mass. We want to know and serve you.
To register online, please click the "Online Registration" button and complete the contact information. We will forward you our Welcome to St. Mary Parish Packet, which includes our registration form.
Please see the Parish Life tab at the top of our webpage to view all of our ministries and groups. If you are interested in joining one, or more, you can do so when registering.