Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Mary’s,
We are stepping right along to the Fall and the re-start in various ways of many of the activities and programs in our Parish. The Pandemic will still be among us in many ways, but we can begin a safe and thoughtful transition as people continue to be vaccinated and practice good COVID protocols. In many ways we will be transitioning for one full year. Whatever the new normal will be, it is mostly likely one year from this Fall. We will be consistently and slowly re-starting or opening various ministries, programs and services. With the arrival of our new part-time Pastoral Associate Leo Racine shortly after Labor Day, we will re-start according to good COVID safety rules Communion Services at our various institutional facilities. We will also be offering some evening meetings for Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers to help address these roles and now the different requirements and protocols in serving due to COVID Safety.
At some point in the Fall we will re-start and address the Bereavement Ministry and how that needs to adjust to our new way of life. As you are aware we will re-start the NOON Mass the Sunday after Labor Day. Terry Kerr, our talented Music Director and Organist, is re-starting the Choir for the 10:30 Mass with three rehearsals in the weeks following Labor Day so that the Choir can launch the first Sunday in October. Our very busy Religious Education Director Karen Ackles has sent out announcements every week about registering for Religious Education for Young People. She has crafted a very enriching and wonderful Program for this coming year. The results of the Parental Survey and the issue of the Delta COVID strain are the top major influences for this coming year’s format. The Women’s and Men’s Spirituality Groups have been planning their Fall starts. On the website are all the details about the Women’s Group. The Catholic Women’s Club celebrates 100 Years this coming year and has planned many events. This Club is a social club for our church and is all about friendship and building bonds with other like-minded women. Our website has all the details on how to join etc.
Our wonderful Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus Council is again assisting the Red Cross with a Blood Drive at the end of August. Details will be on our website at some point in the next week. The Red Cross has informed the Knights that the Drive they run is the most successful of all in our area. Our Knights invite all men to consider joining in this wonderful fraternal organization. See our website to connect regarding information and membership.
I am grateful to all of you who so consistently support our Parish financially. Your on-line giving (best accessed:, mail in or drop off envelopes and also your contributions at Mass have kept our Parish open and going through all these many months. I personally thank you for this. Our Saint Vincent’s continues its charitable work quietly among the needy and frail because of the generosity of food stuffs and finances to their mission. They and I are most appreciative of your caring.
A week from this Sunday on August 15th is the Feast of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven. How wonderful it is that our Patroness is to be honored at all of our weekend Masses that week. “Mary, Mother of God, intercede for us. Saint Rocco, our beloved special Patron, intercede for healing for our sick in mind, body or soul, most especially for our young.”
God bless,
Father Brian