Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Mary’s,
In this past week a great and wonderful light in the Town of Franklin left us. Reverend Carol Rosine, the Minister Emerita of First Universalist Society in Franklin died. In more than 12 years which I have served at Saint Mary Parish, I was privileged and blessed to know Reverend Carol, serve with her on the Interfaith Council and various committees and projects, and also treasure her as a special friend. Reverend Carol brought joy, hope, strength and the presence of God to all who she met in her dedicated service in Franklin. The lost and lonely, the less and the frail knew that she was not only their friend but a strong advocate for them. Her ministry touched the lives of many, many people, including many beyond her congregation. On behalf of Saint Mary’s I have expressed prayerful condolences to Carol’s family and to her Universalist congregation. We are a better Town and Community because of her faith, heart and soul. We mourn her loss, but we rejoice that she touched our hearts and lives with her faith and strength.
The weekend after Labor Day will mark some new beginnings for our Parish community. We will again celebrate the Noon Mass every Sunday. Although we are slowly increasing in weekend attendance, the Delta COVID variant has slowed down the return of folks. Our numbers do not warrant this Mass, but it is good to have a start date. We are all aware that the Delta COVID variant will be in play during the Fall. We will continue to be prudent and cautious, always observing the governmental and archdiocesan protocols and directives. We will also start the actual paper bulletin this same weekend. You will be expected to pick one up from the tables as you leave. We will also continue the use of baskets at the doors of the church from the “Sunday Collection”. Passing baskets with so many hands touching the paper and the basket in front of the faces of parishioners is not a good decision. We rely upon you to place your financial support in the basket. Terry Kerr, our wonderful Music Director, is excited to announce the Choir will be starting rehearsals shortly with a launch at Mass by the first weekend in October. New members are being welcomed to join this great gift of praise to God at Mass. We will also return to the First and Second Reading at Mass on this weekend. It is not too late to register your child(ren) for Religious Education. Please use our website ( to do so. You are only late if you never register!!! Karen Ackles has developed a program for this year which will support your child’s faith formation and also respect the issues of the COVID variant. I am sure almost all parents will like the program; it will less difficult and more flexible than the regular school programs which your children attend every day.
As you are aware the Women’s and Men’s Spirituality Programs will be starting up. Please see the website for details. Our Catholic Women’s Club celebrates 100 years this year. Please see the website to join and find out information on their wonderful planned activities. Our outstanding Knights of Columbus will be holding a Blood Drive at the end of the month; please see the website to register.
With school starting and all the underlying worries and fears about the COVID Pandemic and Vaccinations along with the change in routine, please be patient with yourself and others. You will note that there has been a big increase in public anger by people. Most folks are on edge without realizing it. The Sisters of Saint Joseph who taught me in Elementary School gave us the principle of: “always interpret things in the most favorable light.” So give yourself and others a break. Presume well intention and sincerity and let most things go.
I continue to be most grateful to all of you who contribute financially to Saint Mary’s. Yes, finances are extremely tight, but your personal assistance helps to make a difference. Our Saint Vincent de Paul is blessed by your continued support. Thank you. Next weekend at Mass there will be special baskets for the Collection for Haiti which Cardinal Sean has asked us to help care for the earthquake victims.
This past Sunday was the wonderful Feast of Our Lady into Heaven: The Assumption of Mary. May we continue to seek her intercession at the heavenly throne. We always ask Saint Rocco, our beloved special Patron to intercede for those who are ill in mind, body or soul, and we ask his special help for those who are young and ill.
God bless,
Father Brian